Monday, April 15, 2013

Road Trip to Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky

I enjoyed this city so much! It is like a small town feel with the opportunities of a big city. The homes there are absolutely gorgeous! It looked like front porch pillars are the norm (which I have always loved).

We went to Kentucky to visit Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS for short). Nate and our friend Taylor, are both considering going the the seminary. Thankfully, we had Ben and Emily who are going there and they were able to show us around the campus the first day we were there. Taylor's wife, Liz,and I were able to go with Emily to the Southern Seminary Wives Institute. It is a program for wives that teach them a variety of things. We went to a 'How to Interpret the Bible', we loved it! 

Ben was able to set an appointment up for Nate and Taylor to talk to Dr. Thomas Schreiner. They didn't realize until the next day that he is considered one of the biggest names on interpreting the New Testament.


The next day we were able to go on a campus tour. We got to see so many places and fell in love even more with the campus and the purpose of SBTS. We also met other prospective students, who we will hopefully see next fall, Lord willing. 

We are praying that if this is where the Lord wants us for the next few years, that he will make a way. We were encouraged by a faculty, Dr. Wilder. He said that our biggest worry is probably money and the logistics. He told us that that should be the LEAST of our worries. The Lord provides over and over again. We are praying that we will trust him through this next year. Please be in prayer for us. Nate still has to send in his application so it's not official quite yet. :)
Photo: Future SBTS students! :-) #seminary #friends

Friday, April 5, 2013

Well, the big news! We're pregnant! We found out right away so I'm only 7 weeks along right now. Here's the story:
You know how women say that 'you just know' when you're pregnant? I never believed them. But I do now! I knew a few days before I took a test that I was pregnant. Mostly by smells. I could smell bad breath on people (I know horrible, isn't it). I was able to smell things my co-workers couldn't smell. So Friday, March 15th, I took a test in the afternoon. I was positive! 

Well, since it was during the afternoon Nate was still at work. I was going to tell him that night and then I remembered that we were going to my parents for dinner because my dad was home. So I wasn't able to tell him beforehand. Then when he got to my parents, he was not feeling good and really out of it. I was hoping if we left early enough I could tell him that night. Well, I thought he felt a bit better after watching a tv show so I went ahead with my plan! 

So I quick ran into the bathroom to write it and take my contacts out (2 minutes max). When I got back into our bedroom Nate already had his glasses off and was practically asleep!!! So I went to sleep pretty much biting my tongue so I wouldn't say anything that would let him know what happened. The other thing was that I had to work at Caribou that morning! From 6am-11am, the longest 5 hours of my life!! Nate still wasn't feeling good so when I was done he asked if I could bring him home a mocha. I did but I decided to tell him with the mocha! I wrote on the clutch "Congrats you're going to be a Daddy!"


He didn't see it at first:p So I asked him if there was anything unusual about his cup. He read it and looked at me with this face of "Seriously?!". We were of course excited, but at the same time it seemed unreal. We didn't know WHAT to think. We spent some time on the internet looking at pictures and videos and all sorts of things!

(Happy Father-to-be)

Tomorrow I'll put up a 7 week picture! Just for fun:)